Facts About Our World

The Global Ocean

The globe of the Earth is a sphere with a radius of 3,958.8 Miles for a surface area estimation of 196.9 million square miles of surface area if the world had a smooth surface.  The Global Ocean comprising approximately 71% of that surface area, the world is covered by 139.8 million square miles of Open Sea.

The Global Atmosphere

The globe of the Earth having a volume 259.9 billion cubic miles we then add to the Radius of the Earth the thickness of the atmosphere being 60 miles.  This combined figure gives a global earth and atmospheric volume of 271.9 Billion cubic miles less the volume of the Earth leaves just 12 Billion Cubic Miles for the bulk of our atmosphere.  This layer of atmospheric gas is comprised of 71% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen and 1% by volume of a mixture of gases including Hydrogen, Ozone and CO2. 

To sustain all life on the planet, the atmosphere contains approximately 2.52 Billion Cubic Miles of Oxygen that we all share.

The Global Hydrologic System

While the global ocean is a constant supply of water vapor to feed the rains that wash across the continents, the evaporation from organic material such as crop-land, grassland and forest provide an abudant surface area to evaporate water into the atmosphere as opposed to draining into the water table, into rivers and then out to sea.   The rains of the world are what bring the bountiful harvest that feeds the world, and increasing understanding of how the global hydrologic system works will benefit all mankind.

Hydrogen - The First Element

The Atom

All matter in existance is measured by the number of protons that make up its elemental building block of a single Atom. The Hydrogen Atom has only one Proton in its nucleus, and the next Element that is made of 4 protons is Hellium. All Atoms have one or more Protons that are bonded with a coresponding Neutron at its core and in orbit of the bonded Protons and Neutrons are various numbers of Electrons that create links between Atoms that together create Molecules. Therefor the First and Smallest of all Molecules is made of just two Hydrogen Atoms, which when bonded with Oxygen become H2O.

Solar Fusion - The Atom Factory

Under the collossal pressure and temperature of the celestial furnace at the center of our solar system, Atom after Atom are smashed together heated to temperatures above 10,000°F and fused together to create heavier elements. Countless Atoms of Hydrogen swirl in this culdron of fire of which almost 72% of the Sun is Hydrogen gas boiling under its own pressure and temperature splashing great arcs of plasma into space 1,000 times the size of the Earth. This factory of Atoms takes Hydrogen as its first element and smashes them together to create Hellium which comprises just over 27% of the Sun which together they make up more than 99% of the Sun's mass. In the eons of time, large suns like our own will slowly change in their elemental composition and when time and chance meet, a sun will rapidly contract into a smaller, denser sphere generating collossal thermal energy that explodes into a super nova. It is only at that time that all the elements heavier than lead are generated and scattered out into space in all directions.

The Hydrocarbon Molecule

The solar furnace that transmutes Hydrogen into Helium and all the elements that make up the matter of all known existance warms our planet with just enough heat for water to remain fluid and exist as a vapor in such vast quantities to give our atmoshere its lovely blue color when under the mid-day sun. Quietly and on a scale too small for the human eye to see unaided we see the buildings blocks of life under a microscope where the smallest organic molecules become more and more complex with countless forms of life now identified from the micro to the macro. WIth its start from that Devine spark so simply and practically demonstrated by the lightning bolt of a spring rain that forces simple inorganic chemcial compounds into a new configuration that now has a life of its own. TheMiller-Urey Experiment from 1952set the example for all of Humanity to witness how organic life began, and how full it has grown to fill our planet with organice life built from just Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon and what we call the "Hydrocarbon" molecule.  It is from the multitude of Hydrocarbon molecules the modern world is driven, powering everything from jet engines to a parafin candle on a birthday cake.  In all cases, it is the oxydation of the Hydrogen that frees the carbon, generates a thermal plasma as Hydrogen and Oxygen are bonded into H2O.

( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miller%E2%80%93Urey_experiment )

Hydrogen and the Carbon Handbag

The Hydrocarbon molecule is the most convenient means with which to deliver Hydrogen into a combustion chamber, or even to the wick of a candle. But what is the Carbon handbag? With Hydrogen being the element to react with Oxygen to generate a burst of plasma as the Oxygen binds to the Hydrogen to form H20 that cools to steam then condenses to water vapor then into water a Hydrocarbon lightly holds onto Hydrogen for on-demand consumption. The Carbon holds the Hydrogen in its hands until the right pressure and temperature is reached along with the presence of Oxygen and as the Hydrogen is Oxydized into water, the Carbon is oxydized into Carbone DiOxide Gas or CO2 giving the Carbon Handbag a new job to feed the organic life of the planet.

Hydrogen - Put the Power of the Sun to Work

Today we have the technology to put Hydrogen to work for mankind using traditional Hydrocarbon delivery, pure hydrogen gas or by direct production of a mixture of Hydrogen and Oxygen gases, known as 'Brown's Gas'. Brown's Gas when ignited at the end of a torch, has the power to burn anything you set under its directed plasma flame that can burn as hot as the surface of the sun. This same plasma may be operated inside of an electromagnetic containment field and put to practical use. This plasma can be held inside of a electromagnetic containment field inside of a containment vessel to which may be fed more Hydrogen and other material to generate heat or to reduce waste products to their constituent elements. The ongoing developments of putting the power Hydrogen plasma to work, is getting closer every day to establishing  a controllable fusion process.  It is the Mission of SEARCHES, L3C to identify optimal Hydrogen technologies from the fuel cell to the turbine Jet engine and plasma waste disposal systems and maximize thier effectiveness and commerical viability.